10/22/2024- Switched the site back to the main theme just cause I felt like it!
10/20/2024 - Made some new link me buttons and we now have a DOMAIN! The site is now
10/17/2024- Added a micro-blog. I've taken down my link-me button while I work on some new ones stayed tuned.
10/16/2024- Working on additions and changes. Added a poll and albums spotlight to the main page and tweaked some colors.
8/12/2024- Fixed some broken images and links on the Phantasmagoria e-shrine. Also, shored up some themeing that didn't get updated before.
8/8/2024- Updated with new site theme. Haven't decided if this is going to be permanent or seasonal. Either way, Happy Early Halloween.
5/23/2024- No more splash page/entrance page RIP. I also think I've managed to make the layout responsive but the margins still need tweaking. I'm also working on cleaning up redundancies in my coding and making things clean(er).
5/13/2024- A few functions have broken on the site- namely the hit counter. Currently working on fixing/replacing them.
5/8/2024- Added a Media Reviews page because I needed another space to share my bad opinions and thoughts.
4/9/2024- Added the DOODLE BOOKS page and the Games Diary is now just a general blog.
2/25/2024- WEBRINGS UPDATES!!!!!!!
1/18/2024- Fixed an issue with the Game Diary where the "show most recent entry" link lead to my test page and not the actual entry.
1/14/2024- I reworked my video game diary page so it's easier for me to update. I removed the fake ads section at the bottom of this layout and lengthed the main content box- it just wasn't working.
1/11/2024- Added some new buttons to the friends page! Also making small changes to the shrines.
1/5/2024- Went in and cleaned up my Nancy Drew website and added it back to the e-shrines page.
1/4/2024- I started a video game diary page. Now I can put my poorly written thoughts on a dedicated webpage.
1/3/2024- Two entries for today- making lots of small changes.
1/3/2024- Made some sparkle gifs because you can never have enough sparkles. Feel free to save, use, edit, do anything you want with them.
1/2/2024- New year, new site log. Old entries have been moved to an archive page.
12/18/23- Added some new dolls to the goodies page! Toying with the idea of scraping the "enter" splash page.
12/12/23- I have tentatively "finished" the
Robbie the Rabbit shrine! I still want to update it with pictures of my collection but every page has content now!
10/8/23- I'm working on a new e-shrine that I'm very happy with so far! Check it out on my e-shrines page!
10/30/2023- Screwing around. Made some little Robbie the Rabbits to decorate with.
10/26/2023- YOU CAN NOW PAT MIME JR.
10/11/2023- Added a PicLog! Now I can share .jpegs right on the site!
10/9/23- Still updating the site. Added some new finds to the goodie page.
10/8/23- Still updating the site and the GUESTBOOK is broken again! But we have a chat box now.
10/4/23- Updating the whole thing! Things might look wonkyfor a while.
7/7/23- Making various small changes to fonts and links.
6/26/23- Updated the dolls page so that it reflects my current collection. Decided to limit the floating hearts cursor effect. Working on some new e-shrines but none are viewable yet.
6/14/23- Added a new section for fake ads. We'll see about making it pretty later.
6/13/23- RIP Tamanotchi. How sad.
3/16/23- We have a TamaNOTchi now! Give them some clicks!
3/9/23- Small changes here and there but they're nothing too big.
12/22/22- Added a new guestbook- it's just a comment box but it'll do for now!
11/8/22- Oof I've been busy and burned out. Need to find a new guestbook service, fix the cat page, and work on my shrines.
10/15/22- Back to updating the site! Added this site log, updated the dolls page.