Name: Kat

 Age: 27

 Pronouns: she/her

 Likes: pinball, 19th century shipwrecks

 Dislikes: the corporatization of the internet

 Discord:@geekula 725439995271315467

         Email me at

Personal BlogNancy Drew games blogNeopetsLetterboxd

I've been going by GEEKULA online for over a decade and use it for most platforms. I lifted the name from a song by the band KREEPS.
I love ART but I'm not very good at it. I've dabbled in many, many, mediums from watercolors, sculpture, doll making, sewing, digital art, animation, 3D modeling. Given enough time I can produce a fairly competent result in any of these mediums but alas I am a Jack of All Trades Master of None.

My favorite band is PIXIES. I love HORROR media. I'm obsessed with the RESIDENT EVIL game series. I love classic ADVENTURE GAMES, EXPLOITATION FILMS, and accounts of 19TH CENTURY SHIPWRECKS.

I have a degree in ENGLISH with a focus in 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN LITERATURE and FILM STUDIES. And I am currently pursuing a Masters degree in LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE.